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Designed, Engineered 
& Built Better 

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Benefits of MegaForm Building Systems.

What We Offer

Thermal Efficiency

Lower Cost & Lower Bills

Design Flexibility
High Performance
Workflow Efficiency
Warmer Healthier Homes
Fully Recyclable Waste
Cost Effective & Quick to Install
Install with underfloor
heating for 
added comfort

About Us...

Building for the Future.

We are proud to be the only designers in Australasia to have developed the next generation of ICF systems (Insulated Concrete Formwork) trademarked as MegaForm. Through our extensive international research studying building systems, MegaForm consistently  provides high structural integrity and high insulation value, with excellent design flexibility. Overall, an easy to use system that results in faster construction times, ideal for self-builds, builders and developers.

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“Phil is a strong identity in the ICF market - he’s credible, has been doing it for some time, and is highly knowledgeable with a lot to share. MegaForm ICF deliver a superior product - it’s New Zealand-made with the assurance of quality - backed by strong after-sales support from the MegaForm ICF team. The build process is like using Lego for grown-ups, and Phil and his team support on-site with technical requirements to ensure the best end-result.”
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